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"Building resilience through hope - to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainability, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalize the United Nations"
Bookmark Making Contest
Participants: HS and SHS Students

1. The student will create a bookmark according to their respective theme.

                    Grade 7 - Asian Country

                    Grade 8 - Greece and Rome

                    Grade 9 - North American Country

                    Grade 10 - South American Country

                    Grade 11 - African Country

                    Grade 12 - Australia


2. Take a picture of your finished bookmark.


3. Submit your finished bookmark on or before October 22, 2021.


Grade 7
First Place
Ong, Hailey Cimone
Second Place
Lim, Kassandra Audrey
Third Place
Xu, Xin Yu
Grade 8
First Place
Lee, Su Jin
Second Place
Antonio, Danielle Alexia
Third Place
Gawson, Valerie Lorin
Grade 9
First Place
Li, Janie Ruth
Second Place
Jeoung, Su Min
Third Place
Chua, Mathew Anthony
Grade 10
First Place
Lin, Zhiyan
Second Place
Ventura, Elijah Clark
Third Place
Ang, Athena Danielle
Grade 11
First Place
Catilo, Samantha
Second Place
Yan, Xiao Huang
Third Place
Li, Haixin
Grade 12
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Garcia, Jackie
Mana, Shierlyn
Cantor, Germaine Denise
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